community antenna television


community antenna television 的定义

n. 名词 noun

community antenna television 近义词

community antenna television

等同于 cable television

community antenna television 的近义词 6

更多community antenna television例句

  1. We have thousands of users who identify themselves as transgendered and they are welcome members of the Grindr community.
  2. Some gay apps, like the newer Mister, have not subscribed to the community/tribe model.
  3. What matters is being honest, humble, and a faithful and loyal friend, father and member of your community.
  4. The need for increased community policing is more urgent than ever before.
  5. Marrying another Jew was not just a personal simcha (joy), but one for the community.
  6. But hitherto, before these new ideas began to spread in our community, the mass of men and women definitely settled down.
  7. I doubt if the modern community can afford to continue it; it certainly cannot afford to extend it very widely.
  8. And could it not be extended from its present limited range until it reached practically the whole adolescent community?
  9. It was not, however, through any of these artificial means that real relief was brought to the community.
  10. In the community her father was the wealthiest man, having made his fortune in the growing of potatoes and fruit.